
我們的會員有別於業內同行之處在於他們採用實拍紀實方式 – 對婚慶攝影所持的獨特藝術願景。

婚慶攝影記者: 依據維基百科的定義:“報導攝影是一種通過影像講述新聞故事的特殊形式新聞報導(收集、編輯並展現新聞材料,供出版或播放)。”最近幾年,這一婚慶攝影方式被世界各地許多頂尖婚慶攝影師帶入捕捉婚姻幸福的行業。







WPJA會員資格僅授予個人,不面向團體、企業、工作室或團隊。WPJA經常審查展示多位元 攝影師所拍影像的網站。儘管我們理解和重視婚慶攝影的團隊工作方式,但對WPJA而言,能確定並審查申請人的影像作品選集是很重要的。



1. 網站:
會員必須保持一個持續更新的專業網站,且該網站持續 達到WPJA的標準。功能變數名稱必須為攝影師所擁有(即photographername.com),而不是由另一家公司擁有的子功能變數名稱(即 photographername.theirname.com)。

2. 影像內容:

• 肖像(攝影師控制拍攝物件的姿態)
• 編排(拍攝物件假扮某個瞬間或由攝影師提示的動作)
• 鏡頭意識(拍攝物件凝視相機)
• 細節(花卉、蛋糕、戒指、桌子、禮服、鞋子)
• 處理過的影像(圖片用軟體做過大量修飾:烏賊色調色、硒調色或其他調色、選擇性著色、軟焦點效果、暈影邊緣、沖淡顏色、紋理疊加)

3. 影像品質:

4. 技術/創意品質:
• 室內影像帶有相機照明和直接閃光燈的陰影。
• 作品集中的絕大多數影像似乎是以50毫米鏡頭用光圈F8拍攝的。
提示: 如果善於使用各種鏡頭,審核階段的得分會高一些。
• 許多影像是手工著色和/或經過數碼處理/光暈處理的。
• 內容上沒有太大變化的重複影像或系列鏡頭。
• 影像中的拍攝物件剪切不佳。

5. 事實性資料:
• 網站上的醒目表述,即“數碼優於膠捲”。
• 有關婚慶報導攝影的誤導性或混淆性資訊,單用“報導攝影”描述“婚慶攝影”,或自稱是攝影記者,但無法拿出工作經歷或影像加以證明。
• 自稱的風格或方法與網站上展示的作品不符。

6. 商業道德和溝通:
• 違反與客戶簽訂的婚慶合同義務。
• 忽視與客戶溝通。
• 對WPJA工作人員在關係到本組織誠信和聲譽的問題上所寄出的特定函件置之不理(不包括回復對所有會員發出的批量郵件)。
• 通過(書面或口頭)語言公開發表不利於其他會員或本組織的談話。
• 建立一個與WPJA直接競爭的基於web的婚慶攝影企業;個人或實體如果從事婚慶攝影師推廣業務,就是與WPJA“直接競爭”。

I am more than a Photographer… I am a Master Photographer.

Established in 1952, the Master Photographers Association (MPA) is the only association for qualified professional photographers. We are one of the longest standing photographic associations in British history. We care about our members’ photographic journey of excellence and we understand your needs and value them too.

As the UK’s leading qualification body exclusively for the professional wedding, portrait and commercial photographer the MPA encourage professional photographers of all levels to join the Association.

The Master Photographers Association is run by photographers for photographers who have many years of experience behind them. Our team is committed to sharing its knowledge and experiences to help guide you on your photographic journey.

With a qualification system designed to promote continual professional development, the MPA are recognised leaders in setting the standards of professional photography today.

Offering a wide variety of membership benefits and a tiered membership system, the MPA strives to develop both the professional photographer as well as the aspiring photographer just embarking on their fledgling career. We believe that by educating the ambitious professional, we set the standards for the future of professional photography as well as the present.

We offer a benefit package and mentoring programmes as well as inspirational and motivational regional and national seminars, business building and marketing support. We offer a holistic approach in our ethos of support to the professional photographer that we continually strive to improve.

With over 60 years in the professional photography arena, the MPA prides itself in developing some of the industry’s leading photographers of today.


Wedding & Portrait Photographers International (WPPI) was founded in 1978 to serve the needs of wedding photographers, then known as the “weekend warriors” – an often neglected segment of the industry. Since our first convention and trade show in 1980, we have grown into one of the largest events in the trade. WPPI 2014 drew over 12,000 attendees and 350 exhibitors and embrace photographers from all genres, including portraiture, fine art, photojournalism, commercial, video, and advertising.

The WPPI values and ecosystem are built on the premise of developing one’s mind, body, and soul through the lens of photography and filmmaking. Our conferences, events, and contests are meant to promote growth and a community in which members learn from each other.
In 2013, we were brought under The Photo Group umbrella, owned by Emerald Expositions, also home to Rangefinder, our sister publication, as well as Photo District News, PDNedu, Shutterlove and The PhotoPlus International Conference + Expo.
